
Ob/Gyn: Project CARA

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This page is for providers who want to learn more about providing integrated, trauma-informed care to patients with perinatal substance exposures. Here you will find resources to learn more about perinatal substance use disorders, prescribing buprenorphine, and more.


  • Before You Write Your First Buprenorphine Prescription   Download
  • The Checklist: Knowing your System Before Birthing Parents with SUD Deliver   Download
  • Discussion Points: Preparing Pregnant Patients with SUD for Delivery   Download

Other Clinical Resources

Continuing Professional Development

  • Perinatal SUDs 101: Exploring Evidence-Based Recommendations for Care   Register
  • Perinatal SUDs 201: Expanding Skills and Knowledge to Care for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders   Register
  • Breastfeeding in the Setting of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Updates 2024   Register

Research and Publications

  1. Bass R, Flinchum G, Ramage M, et al. Accessing perinatal substance use disorder care in your local community: A case study of an innovative hub and spoke network in western North Carolina. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment. 2024;158:209268. doi: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209268
  2. Blake E, Major E, Cody T, Galvin SL, Tak CR, Ramage M. Perinatal Substance Use Care Coordination: The Need for One Care Plan. North Carolina Medical Journal. 2022;83(3):231-231. doi: 10.18043/ncm.83.3.231
  3. Caron O, Fay AE, Pressley H, Seamon G, Taylor SR, Wilson CG. Four models of pharmacist-integrated office-based opioid treatment. JACCP: Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2022;5(4):413-421. doi: 10.1002/jac5.1607
  4. Galvin SL, Ramage M. Response to Avoiding NICU Transfer for Newborns With Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS): A Quality Improvement Initiative to Manage NOWS on the Mother-baby Unit. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2022;16(3):371-372. doi: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000904
  5. Leiner C, Antono B, Ostrach B. Perinatal OUD Treatment Provider Understandings of Rural Patients’ Experiences. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2022;16(2):177-82. doi: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000858
  6. Pressley Byrd D, Galvin SL, Ramage M, Johnson E. Advanced Practice Provider–Led Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 2022; 06 May. doi: 10.1111/jmwh.13372
  7. Shelton D, Ramage M, Hughes P, Tak C. Factors associated with contraceptive use among postpartum women with substance use disorder. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. 2022;33:100764. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2022.100764
  8. Caron O, Galvin S, Ramage M. Stimulant Misuse in Pregnant Patients at a Rural Perinatal Substance Use Program (Abstract). Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2021;15(5):e55.
  9. Coulson CC, Lorencz E, Rittenhouse K, Ramage M, Lorenz K, Galvin SL. Association of Maternal Buprenorphine or Methadone Dose with Fetal Growth Indices and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. American Journal of Perinatology. 2021;38(1):28-36. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694729
  10. Leiner C, Cody T, Mullins N, Ramage M, Ostrach BMM. “The elephant in the room;” a qualitative study of perinatal fears in opioid use disorder treatment in Southern Appalachia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2021;21(1):143. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-03596-w
  11. Ramage MA, Blake EH, Tak CR, Sullivan MH, Kaufman SV, Galvin SL, Jones HE. Before You Write Your First Buprenorphine Prescription; A Readiness-Assessment for Prenatal Care Providers. Journal of Women’s Health and Gynecology. 2021;8:1-12. doi: 10.17303/jwhg.2021.8.203
  12. Ramage M, Tak C, Goodman D, Johnson E, Barber C, Jones HE. Improving access to care through Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Focus on perinatal patients with Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2021;77:4-10. doi: 10.1111/jan.14544
  13. Galvin SL, Ramage M, Coulson CC. Perinatal cannabis use unrelated to illicit opioid use when prescribed OUD medications (Abstract). Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2020;14(6):409.
  14. Galvin SL, Ramage M, Leiner C, Sullivan MH, Fagan EB. A Cohort Comparison of Differences Between Regional and Buncombe County Patients of a Comprehensive Perinatal Substance Use Disorders Program in Western North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal. 2020;81(3):157-165. doi: 10.18043/ncm.81.3.157
  15. Galvin SL, Ramage M, Mazure E, Coulson CC. The association of cannabis use late in pregnancy with engagement and retention in perinatal substance use disorder care for opioid use disorder: A cohort comparison. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2020;117:108098. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108098
  16. Mullins N, Galvin SL, Ramage M, et al. Buprenorphine and Naloxone Versus Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy: A Cohort Study. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2020;14(3):185-192. doi: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000562
  17. Lorenz K, Gannon M, Ramage M, Coulson CC, Wilson CG, Galvin SL. Psychotropic medications do not appear to increase NAS risk in women on MAT (Abstract). American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019;220(1):S224-S225. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2018.11.342
  18. Nathan A, Galvin SL, Coulson CC, Ramage M, Mullins N, Gannon M. Impact of an integrated, comprehensive perinatal substance use disorders program for an at-risk, rural population (Abstract). Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019;133(71).
  19. Ramage M, Ostrach B, Fagan B, Coulson CC. Stabilizing the Mother-Infant Dyad for Better Outcomes from OB to FM: Caring for Patients with Perinatal Opioid Use Disorder through the 4th Trimester. North Carolina Medical Journal. 2018;79(3):164-165. doi: 10.18043/ncm.79.3.164
  20. Parlier AB, Fagan B, Ramage M, Galvin S. Prenatal Care, Pregnancy Outcomes, and Postpartum Birth Control Plans Among Pregnant Women with Opiate Addictions. Southern Medical Journal. 2014;107(11):676-683. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000000189
  21. Major E, Blake E, Bass R, Gerhardt A, Cody T, Ramage M. Contingency Management in a Perinatal Substance Exposure Clinic. American Journal of Accountable Care. 2023;11. Accessed June 20, 2023. 10.37765/ajac.2023.89380
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