
Patient Feedback

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MAHEC's goal is to consistently provide compassionate and high quality patient-centered care at all of our locations. We routinely collect patient satisfaction surveys and use the information to improve the patient experience. If at any time you have questions, feedback or concerns about the standard of care that you or a family member have received, do not hesitate to speak with a manager. If a manager or team member is not able to resolve your issue, please use the form below.


MAHEC Family Health Centers (all locations): 828-771-3438, Kim Palmer
MAHEC Internal Medicine: 828-398-5935, Alexandra Murray
MAHEC Ob/Gyn Specialists (all locations): 828-771-5506, Heidi Boone
MAHEC Center for Psychiatry and Mental Wellness: 828-407-2101, Tessa Scarborough
MAHEC Dental Health Centers (all locations): 828-257-4418, Natalie Raper

If you are not satisfied with MAHEC’s resolution of your concern, you have the right to file a complaint or concern with:

The North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation
Complaint Intake Unit
2711 Mail Service center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2711
Phone: 1-800-624-3004 (toll free) or 919-855-4500
Fax: Complaint Intake Unit 919-715-7724

For complaints involving mental health, substance use disorder or intellectual/developmental needs:

Vaya Health
200 Ridgefield Ct,
Asheville, NC 28806
828 225-2785

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