
Ob/Gyn: Center for Pelvic and Vulvar Health

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After your appointment is made, a clinical staff member will call you sometime in the month prior to your appointment to review your health history and goals for your appointment.

What to Expect on Your First Visit

  • On the day of your appointment, please arrive a few minutes early to complete any necessary paperwork at check-in.
  • One of our medical assistants will briefly interview you to see if there have been any changes since your phone interview.
  • Then you will meet your medical provider who will review your history and perform an examination.
  • [Vulvar Clinic] Occasionally skin biopsies are recommended and we will try to accomplish this at the time of your first visit if necessary. What is a skin biopsy?

Getting Ready for Your Appointment with the Vulvar Clinic

  • Bring all medicines you are currently using on your vulvar skin or in your vagina to your first appointment.
  • Please do not use any creams or medications on your skin the day of your appointment.
  • Read Dr. Sigmon's article on vulvar skin care.
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