Tailored Care Manager Training for Working with Individuals with a History of Sexual Offenses or Sexualized Behaviors

Jun 24, 2024 Closed Mental Health Nursing

Tailored Care Manager Training for Working with Individuals with a History of Sexual Offenses or Sexualized Behaviors


NC DHHS has developed partnerships with North Carolina Area Health Education Center (NC AHEC) to provide practice support, technical assistance, and continuing professional development to help Tailored Care Management providers who have applied and passed the desk review in the transition to Tailored Care Management. The TCM Continuing Professional Development programs are designed to assist TCM care managers, supervisors and extenders with evidenced-based practices in all treatment settings for the successful implementation of TCM.

This course is an overview to assist care managers in competent care management responsibilities while serving adult, adolescent, and child populations who have sexualized behaviors or a history of sexual offenses. This course is designed to equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage and support adults who have committed sexual offenses or children/adolescents with sexualized behaviors. This training provides an understanding of the complex dynamics of working with this population, including risk assessment, care management strategies, stigma and community reintegration. Participants will learn evidence-based practices, ethical considerations, and legal requirements essential for providing competent care to individuals with sex offenses or sexualized behaviors while ensuring personal and public safety. Some participants who have experienced sexual trauma may be triggered. Please use discretion if you have experienced sexual trauma and wish to attend this course.

Click here to see all the current Tailored Care Management courses. Check back later for more options!


Ashleigh Church, Clinical Director at Repay Inc.
Allison Inman, Director of Brand Strategy and Communications Vaya Health
Susan Sizemore, Vaya Health Care Extender

Hosted by:

Scott Melton, M.Div

This course is not intended for sale. It is for certified AMH+/CMA providers and Tailored Plans only. A discount code to allow free access will be provided to you by your agency administrator. CINs and other agencies providing comprehensive care management that do not have a contract with MAHEC do not receive these courses for free. To contract with MAHEC, please contact Scott Melton.

By registering for this course, you are granting permission for your contact information and course completion information to be shared with NC DHHS-DHB and participating NC BH/IDD Tailored Plans (LME/MCOs) for this continuing education activity.

Content Provided by


And Repay, Inc

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A program of


An approved program of


Target Audience

Plan based Tailored Care managers, certified TCM AMH+ and CMAs including physicians, nurses, nurse care managers, care managers, care manager supervisors, and care management extenders


Participants will be able to:

  • Gain insight into the psychological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to sexualized behaviors
  • Identify and utilize resources for writing appropriate goals in person centered plans/ individual support plans including crisis and safety planning to ensure personal, member, and community safety for the duration of TCM services
  • Familiarize oneself with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines governing the treatment and supervision of individuals with sex offenses
  • Develop interdisciplinary collaboration skills to coordinate care among various stakeholders, including law enforcement, probation/parole services, mental health professionals, and community health care agencies
  • Acquire skills to effectively manage and respond to challenging behaviors with individuals with sex offenses
  • Identify best practices for supporting sex offenders in their transition back into the community, including monitoring compliance with court-ordered conditions and facilitating access to supportive services
  • Recognize the importance of stigma, cultural sensitivity, and person first language in working with individuals with sex offenses in the process of care management planning
  • Explain the importance of self-care practices and maintaining professional boundaries when working with individuals with sex offenses, including strategies for managing vicarious trauma and burnout
  • Identify appropriate elements of care management and when to seek clinical supervision or a behavioral modification plan with a psychiatrist/psychologist trained in sexualized behaviors
