Embracing Wholeness: The Power of Integration

Apr 4, 2024 Open Mental Health

Embracing Wholeness: The Power of Integration


Life circumstances, trauma and other stressors can split both our clients and ourselves from our wholeness, temporarily leaving us feeling disconnected, anxious, depressed, lonely, unloved, exhausted, and so much more. Studies in neuroscience, psychology, and mind-body traditions now show us that integration is key to bring us back to our innate wholeness.

* As we experience realigning with our wholeness and discover ways to do this, we can use these tools to help psychotherapy clients navigate life challenges again and again.

* We can become stronger in the face of adversity and become able to connect to our inner wisdom, love, peace and joy regardless of our circumstances.

* We have access to more of ourselves during the hard times and this gives us more hope in a world that can be very chaotic and uncertain.

* We discover how to integrate the challenges we face and return to wholeness.

Group Registrations

Registering 5 or more participants with one payment?
Contact the registration team for further instructions.

828.257.4475 | Email: MAHEC Registration

Group Rate Available

Five or more from the same agency, registering & paying at same time
(add $15 to fee if registering within one week of the event)

Speaker Bio

Dr. Shannon D. South, aka the "Joy Doctor," is an award winning therapist, an Amazon best-selling author, and an inspirational speaker. As an expert in the field of spirituality and healing trauma for more than 25 years, she knows how to naturally assist people in finding wholeness and joy. In 1994, Shannon had a spiritual experience during meditation that healed her debilitating anxiety and depression permanently. Since this transformative experience, Shannon has helped thousands of clients connect to their most loving, abundant, and joy-filled selves. Shannon is the founder of the Ignite Your Life! programs, Heal Your Way to Success course, and the "Grow Your Business by Growing You" Breakthrough Day.

She is a sought-out, international trainer and coach, who helps spiritually-minded entrepreneurs break through what is standing in their way towards abundance, joy, and success. Her recent book, Grow Your Business by Growing You: The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Guide to Maximum Joy, Abundance and Success is a roadmap to this unique, healing process. She also trains other clinicians on how to bring Spirit and Soul into their practice for deep and lasting healing for their clients.


9:00amIntroduction of body/mind/spirit psychotherapy
9:45amUnderstanding levels of consciousness and trauma
10:30amMorning Break
10:45amSpecific healing strategies to access the body/mind and spiritual aspects of your client for healing
11:30amClarity Deep Dive Process
12:15pmLunch Break
1:15pmDemonstration of body/mind/spirit process called "The Inner Counselor™"
2:00pmQ&A / Introductory description of "The Inner Counselor™" in groups
2:45pmAfternoon Break
3:00pmSupervised practice session in teams of two - body/mind/spirit approach
3:30pmFeeling and Attitudes / Experiential Practice
Teaching clients about body sensations

Teaching clients about real needs
4:00pmHelping clients use symbols to access and connect to the higher mind
4:15pmReview of key concepts / closing exercise / reinforcing principles

Target Audience

Mental health professionals including psychologists, substance use counselors, clinical social workers, licensed counselors, marriage and family therapists, school counselors, and other professionals interested in this topic


Upon completion of this seminar, participants should be able to:

  • Define wholeness and explain how to help clients access it after traumatic events
  • Explain key strategies that create integration and how we can use this with ourselves and our clients
  • Articulate what neuroscience, psychology and mind-body approaches can teach us about integration
  • List applicable steps to bring into psychotherapy with clients (and to use in our own lives) to realign with wholeness


  • Shannon D. South, LCMHC, ThD


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