24/7 Dad: Key Behaviors Workshop

Available through Dec 9, 2021 Closed Mental Health

24/7 Dad: Key Behaviors Workshop


MAHEC has partnered with the National Fatherhood Initiative® to provide 24/7 Dad, Key Behaviors Workshop. This workshop is a short, fun, and useful course designed for any dad who wants to improve his knowledge and skills to raise healthy children. This program provides five keys to being a 24/7 dad and 12 behaviors that help guide dads to become the best fathers possible.

This webinar will contain live video and audio discussions with real dads. A copy of the slides with note pages will need to be printed out prior to the course.

Multiple Dates Available!

A 24/7 Dad handbook can be purchased from the National Fatherhood Initiative for $6.99 that compliments the course and serves as a resource tool for your course material. You can find the handbook here.

MAHEC assumes permission to use audio, video, and still images from this program for promotional and educational purposes. Please speak with a staff member if you have any concerns.

Provided by MAHEC, and with the support of the National Fatherhood Initiative, Triple P Positive Parenting Program, the AHEC Program Office, MAHEC Center for Psychiatry and Mental Wellness, and Project CARA

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Scholarships Available

If you are interested in a scholarship for this program, please contact Scott Melton.

Group Registrations

Registering 5 or more participants with one payment? Please use the paper registration form at the end of the PDF brochure. Send completed paper registrations for the full group to the Registration Team at MAHEC.

Fax: 828.257.4768 | Email: MAHEC Registration

Group Rate Available

Five or more from same agency, registering & paying at same time
(add $15 to fee if registering within one week of the event)

Target Audience

Fathers, professionals working with fathers, social workers, counselors, and case managers working with father engagement/involvement programs.


Participants will be able to:

  • Recognize and discuss stereotypes and challenges facing fathers today in our culture
  • Apply the five traits of the 24/7 Dad model
  • Illustrate how to apply the 12 key behaviors to nurture healthy children
  • Locate and utilize 24/7 Dad resources and develop 24/7 Dad behaviors with accountability


  • Shane Lunsford, MBA, CCT, CST
  • Scott S. Melton, MDiv
